Burst To Power is a 3D fighting game similar to other titles from the Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi franchise. This is the fourth installment of the Power Level Warrior saga, which comes with some new features not included in previous games, such as native support for Bluetooth controllers and the option to switch to higher resolutions.
Burst To Power's controls are practically identical to previous installments. On the left side of the screen, there's a virtual joystick for moving your character. On the right, you'll find action buttons for defending, jumping, attacking, throwing energy balls, and recharging. You can also easily connect and use Bluetooth controllers.
Battles in Burst To Power take place in large settings that you can explore by running or flying around. You can use your charging ability at any time to replenish your character's energy bar (in pure Dragon Ball style). Once it's recharged, you can throw the legendary energy balls to inflict much more damage than normal blows.
As with earlier installments of this franchise, in Burst To Power, you can improve your characters as you play. With the experience you earn for beating levels, you can improve their attributes, life points, and abilities. And this time, you can choose any character you want from the outset. That said, to access the story mode for each character, you'll have to complete the levels one by one, facing more powerful enemies each time you go to battle.
Burst To Power is a spectacular fighting game in every way. Basically, it achieves the impossible by improving an already stellar saga. Graphics, as always, are in keeping with the original style. There are also plenty of resolutions, so you can play on all kinds of devices. You can change the resolution of the game, the level of detail, and even the rate of frames per second depending on what works best for you.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 8.0 or higher required
Google game
I really love this game but I also don't recommend it for any Android 8.1.0 phone user. The game doesn't open. I have been wishing to play this game again after many years, but this is how I met the g...See more
Thank you!❤️
An amazing game, it resembles Dragon Boa a lot. I highly recommend downloading it.
The Best
great game